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A listing, with links, of the truly great articles on the issues concerned with corporate power.  This section, like the entire blogsite, is a work in progress, so stay tuned for new additions.

1.  A report from the New Economy Working Group called How to Liberate America from Wall Street Rule is an important addition to the dialogue on constraining corporate power.  This document speaks only to the issues of finance and banking in America, certainly an area of critical importance. But it is also consistent in the general outlook of thinking about The New Economy -- one that emphasizes local, community-based organizations that offer alternative ownership models centered on workers.

For more information on The New Economy and what this means, go here and also here.

2.  The Artful Dodgers from Public Campaign details how 12 large American corporations, identified by news reports, nonprofit organizations, and elected officials have payed little or no federal income taxes.  Collectively, these one dozen corporate tax dodgers have benefited dramatically -- in tax loopholes, bailouts, and subsidies -- from the more than $1 billion dollars they have invested into influencing Washington.  

3.  Randolph Bourne's War is the Health of the State is a masterpiece. A worthy companion piece is Smedley Butler's famous  War is a Racket. And to complete the set, we'll add Eisenhower's Farewell Address where he warned of the military-industrial-complex.

These three pieces are useful in understanding how war has been used as a coordinated strategy linking the State with corporate interests.

4.  "Acting As If Future Generations Don't Matter" by Carol Raffensperger.

5.  "Why the Rich Love High Unemployment" by Mark Provost.  Recently, in response to an interview question, Michelle Bachmann said without the slightest hint of shame that she hoped for higher unemployment numbers because they would enhance her bid for the Presidency.  I don't know how you respond to such a criminal comment, other than identify it as such.

Anyway, the article cited here by Mark Provost is the final of a three-part series. The others can be accessed from the link provided above.

6.  Report: "The Economic Elite vs the People of the United States of America" by David DeGraw is a six-part study released in 2010 by Amped Status.

This Report provides an extensive and disturbing litany of problems and issues facing the American people.  This is an important read, so please take some time with the document.  The Report contains all the URLs for the post.

7.  Any time you can read or hear Bill Moyers, do it.  This latest post is titled "Where We Stand Now".

8.  The Powell Memo was written 40 years ago.  It was August 23, 1971 that Lewis F. Powell, then a corporate lawyer and board member for 11 corporations, wrote a memo to his friend Eugene Sydnor, Jr., then Director of the US Chamber of Commerce.  Two months later, Powell was nominated by President Nixon to the Supreme Court.

Though not the sole influence, the memo was highly influential, as the Chamber and various corporate activists began building a powerful array of institutions designed to shift public attitudes over the ensuing years and decades.  The memo influenced or inspired the creation of the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Accuracy in Academe, and other powerful organizations.

9.  The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and its entry on Liberalism.